Mapping the
Digital Journey

阿曼保险公司是阿联酋第一家提供全数字化服务的保险公司 定期和重大疾病保险产品,推出其DigiTerm和DigiCI解决方案.

A Digital First

决定推出一个完全在线的定期产品反映了阿曼保险对产品和流程的承诺 innovation, 以及数字能力的快速发展和用户在网络上交易的日益增长的意愿 environment.

DigiTerm和DigiCI产品提供与通过a担保的传统保单相同的广泛保险范围 paper-based process but are delivered at a fraction of the time. Whereas, the typical lifecycle of a manually underwritten 政策可在几天内完成,通过电子系统交易可在几分钟内完成.

The portal also provides customers with significant policy flexibility, enabling them to select the most appropriate levels of sums assured and duration of policy. 通过安全支付处理系统,可获得高达100万迪拉姆的保险 确保在简单易用的电子平台内,照顾到保单购买过程的每一个阶段.

Starting the journey

要使产品上线,阿曼保险公司需要建立数字基础设施,以绘制生产过程中的每个阶段 process, from the ‘front-of-house’ customer portal, through to report generation, data security requirements, KYC/AML compliance processes and procedures and validation steps, and right through to the reinsurance component underpinning the products.

Kane Solutions的专有IMS平台提供了在单个平台内管理每个阶段的能力, fluid, interconnected system. 阿曼保险公司于2016年4月指定该公司为该公司提供第三方管理服务 existing book. 该项目包括将现有业务从遗留平台迁移到IMS. To date, along with a successful migration, five new products have been delivered, including DigiTerm and DigiCI.

DigiTerm和DigiCI的计划是从规划和开发一个产品之旅开始的,它将提供一个完全在线的产品 purchasing experience to the end customer, including online payment.

The portal also provides customers with significant policy flexibility, enabling them to select the most appropriate levels of sums assured and duration of policy. 通过安全支付处理系统,可获得高达100万迪拉姆的保险 确保在简单易用的电子平台内,照顾到保单购买过程的每一个阶段.

Taking it one step at a time


  • 产品创意生成-阿曼保险概述了拟议产品的主要目标和方法 delivery to Kane Solutions.
  • Review process – Kane Solutions reviewed the product specification, working closely with Oman Insurance to ensure a complete understanding of every component of the products.
  • 解决方案模式——Kane Solutions在IMS中设计了一个流程来满足设想的产品, emphasizing key features and benefits, 同时确保技术支持完全数字化的客户获取策略, including credit 卡商集成无缝支付体验和数字化交付政策文件.
  • 改进解决方案-澳门新葡新京在线解决方案和阿曼保险审查并改进了这一过程,特别注意 与最终客户的体验相结合,从而产生已签署的IMS规范和构建计划.
  • 构建阶段——Kane Solutions将功能和客户旅程构建到IMS中,并进行了扩展 functionality testing of each component of the products and processes, before releasing to Oman Insurance in a test environment for approval prior to production.

Overcoming challenges along the way

构建和启动在线系统所产生的主要挑战与该系统的具体功能无关 platform or the products themselves, 而是源于确保端到端的客户旅程是一样的需求 streamlined and efficient as possible. A further challenge was generated by the need to integrate the system with a third-party credit card merchant, 确保保险产品的购买在付款时完成.

Kane Solutions团队克服这些挑战的关键是这两个过程的灵活性水平 and product design built into IMS. 系统内的信息工作流由专有的工作流系统支持 这使得针对特定市场和产品的大规模定制成为可能, as well as the intricacies of distribution channels.

在IMS引擎中创建了一系列自定义工作流,以满足客户旅程的每个阶段——一切 从在线数据采集到承保和保费报价都必须集成到系统中. Not only did this mean that each step could be channeled through the platform, but also ensured that all compliance and administration rules could be adhered to.

This heightened flexibility also enabled the Kane Solutions team, working closely with the credit card merchant, to adapt the premium collection process to their specific protocols, thereby ensuring a seamless integration into the IMS platform.


集团首席执行官John upprichard评论了系统构建的需求 & Managing Director, Kane Solutions, said:

“我们在设计定制数字解决方案方面的丰富经验,可以映射完整的在线客户旅程,使我们能够 解释OIC产品规范,并将其转化为端到端的数字客户流程. Input and OIC的合作来自管理层和产品开发部门, underwriting, distribution, compliance and operations personnel, 确保每一步都经过全面审查和批准并产生解决方案 fit for purpose.”

他补充说:“提供满足客户旅程要求所需的定制水平, we devised a 定制的工作流程,以创建一个完整的数字交付的购买体验. Everything from the application capture of pertinent client details, 到自动承保健康声明和随后的费率报价 process, were designed for Oman Insurance’s DigiTerm and DigiCI products.”

“Even the upload function,” he continued, “allowing the customer to upload pertinent documents required for the AML/KYC checks and any outstanding requirements was custom built for this product. The flexibility of IMS’s workflow rules engine 使最终解决方案设计符合阿曼保险的产品/市场需求. By engaging multiple modules within the IMS core system and web application layer, the all-digital solution was achievable.”